Introduction to OOP in Golang

Rafael Varago
EGYM Software Development
5 min readSep 7, 2018


Learn how to get started with Go for OOP.

Today, I’m going to talk about the basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) constructions written in Golang or simply Go.

An “object oriented” Gopher. Source:

User-Defined Types

Go supports the notion of user-defined types, that is, the composition of native types (like int, string, etc.) to build more complex types reflecting the concepts of the real world like person, car, bank account, etc. or abstract concepts like requests, processes, etc.

The way to express user-defined types in Go is by means of the struct keyword. For example, to define a type named Employee, that models an employee in a management system with attributes: id, name, and salary, we can achieve it by:

Different from other languages like Java, Go’s struct can only contain state (attributes), thus you can’t directly write methods (behavior) inside the struct, but you can rely upon a special syntax for functions that has a special argument called a receiver argument.

For example, to add a method called raiseSalary that receives a bonus amount and mutates an instance of type Employee, and a method format that accesses an instance of type Employee, you can write:

Note that the receiver name can be any valid identifier in Go, I just chose self at my own convenience (Python feelings). Also, note that for raiseSalary, the receiver is a pointer to Employee, that’s because it needs to mutate the receiver’s attributes.


The notion of encapsulation is expressed in Go by packages that are, up to some extent, similar to Java’s packages and C++’s namespaces. But in contrast to Java and C++, Go doesn’t have access modifiers (private, public, etc.), so it differentiates between private and public symbols by the case of its first letter, where:

  • Uppercase: public
  • Lowercase: private

A private symbol is only accessible inside its own package, meanwhile, a public symbol has visibility both inside and outside its package.

The package name is declared at the start of each file and must be the same of its directory name in the file system. You can also have multiple files composing a single package.

An example of a package:

Also, a package has a well-defined initialization ordering, that follows:

  1. Imported packages
  2. Package’s level variables
  3. init() functions

Composition and Inheritance

Go doesn’t support inheritance or the is-a relationship. Instead, it encourages us to apply composition over inheritance and by doing so, preventing some classic problems that can arise with inheritance hierarchies erroneously implemented.

One of the facilities provided is the possibility to embedding nameless structs (and also interfaces, see below) inside other structs (or interfaces), and by this, the embedding struct (or interface) has direct access to the embedded struct (or interface) by a technique called promotion.

For example, you may like to have a type Manager that is-a Employee, you can write this:

Note that you can call methods of Employee with an instance of Manager, but you can’t call a function expecting an Employee with an instance of Manager, so there aren’t any implicit conversion from Manager to Employee (even if we’re dealing with pointers), so there isn’t an is-a relationship here.

Interface and Polymorphism

However, with interfaces, you can obtain some level of inheritance-like behavior.

An interface establishes a contract that every type must agree (sign) in order to implement the interface. In Go, if a type implements all the methods defined by the interface, this type is said to adhere to the interface contract and can be used where an interface is expected.

For instance, an Employee type has a role, so we can make it implement the contract established by the interface Role:

When printRoleName is called, the type Employee is implicitly converted to the interface Role that it satisfies. Thus, you’re achieving polymorphic behavior because the call is dispatched on run time through the examination of the actual type and the invocation of the type’s right method.

One of the most interesting aspects of interfaces in Go is that there’s no need that a type explicitly states that it implements an interface, it just needs to define its methods, and by doing this it’s implicitly implementing the interface. A nice consequence is that we can create the interface afterwards the type has been created, so we can generalize the behavior once necessary (instead of premature generalization, that can lead to code difficult to maintain), which normally occur when we note that we have two or more types satisfying a common contract, and it should make sense to generalize it by extracting the specification of this behavior to a common interface.

Moreover, in some scenarios, it can be convenient to combine two characteristics of Go.

For instance, if you have a concrete type that has nothing more than the methods defined in an interface, it should make sense to not export the concrete type, instead export only the interface. By doing this, you’re able to change the internal representation of the concrete type to a more suitable one and don’t affect its users, because they don’t know anything about it, they just care about the exported interface. This is one of the most appealing properties of encapsulation:

The ability to change the internal structure of a module without breaking its users.


Although different from other languages (C++, Java, C#, etc.) Go has nice features to do OOP, like user-defined types, methods, inheritance, and polymorphism. And the manner that Go provides other facilities can improve our skills as developers, for example, by reasoning about other approaches to do system modeling.

Moreover, Go has other great native constructions like slices, maps, and channels that can improve both the correctness and expressiveness of your code. It’s also possible to use type assertions to inspect the dynamic type of objects that implements an interface, which is specially useful for empty interfaces.

I really encourage you to search for more information about Go and verify whether it can help you and your company in your daily programming tasks by providing, possibly, alternative ways to solve problems.


[1] Alan A. A. Donovan, Brian W. Kernighan. “The Go Programming Language”.

[2] Effective Go.




Software Engineer interested in C++, Rust, Haskell, Scala, Go, C, Python , Linux, functional programming, system programming, tooling, IoT, cloud, math, etc.